Mission statement

Live safely

Highly motivated instructors, impeccable service and modern methodology attract the best customers with top quality - and retain them in the long term. This makes us No. 1 in safety training.

The vision

"Wherever violence occurs, YourPower® is used - because YourPower®
stops violence".

The customer at the center - tailor-made training

Our customers take center stage - in companies and in the concept. We dedicate our expertise and passion to them. Our service modules are tailored to their needs. That's why we offer "training made to measure".

Service is performance

Good instructors are not good enough for us. We only work with the best, training by training. We think and act responsibly and quality-consciously. We all have the information and expertise to deliver top performance.


We work on a non-partisan basis and are not bound to any denomination, ideology or social group. We treat each other with respect and fairness. Our word is our bond.

With power

We add innovative and sustainable value-added modules to our concept - faster and better than the others on the market. We are constantly and significantly strengthening our Swiss market position for first-class corporate value. With our own presence in Switzerland and alliances in the rest of the world.